1. Turning data into insight
The way we analyse healthcare data today often leads to a misdirection of resources. Care-Metric Ltd assists facilities by applying Statistical Process Control (SPC) methodology. This generates practical insights into the variations within incident types, and shows whether this is due to current processes (“common cause variation”) or something external (“special cause variation”). Theory aside, this helps managers to see, even over a short period of time, whether changes are resulting in sustainable improvements and saving resources. The reports are easy to understand and can be used to motivate staff to make further improvements.
2. Workshops on continuous quality improvement
Care-Metric Ltd delivers workshops on Continuous Quality Improvement in aged care. These typically consist of 4 full-day sessions, at intervals of 4-6 weeks. The aim is to train and equip teams of champions, at different levels within the organisation, who can lead your quality improvement processes. Ideally these teams will consist of healthcare assistants, registered nurses, clinical managers and other care staff such as occupational therapist, kitchen staff etc.
3. The National Survey of Key Indicators
The National Survey Care Indicators (NSCI) is a periodic and independent measure of the quality of care delivered to clients who are under the direct care of healthcare professionals. It provides focused recommendations, with results that can be analysed and compared over time and/or locations. The following modules are available: Pressure injuries; Malnutrition; Incontinence; Falls; Chronic wounds.
The programme provides:
• In-depth understanding of the quality of care you are delivering;
• An objective assessment of where the quality of care can be improved;
• Evidence-based insights into how you can avoid undesirable outcomes.