Connecting the dots for continuous quality improvement
The National Survey Care Indicators (NSCI) is a periodic and independent measure of the quality of care delivered to clients who are under the direct care of healthcare professionals.
Taking part in this programme you will receive:
• an in-depth understanding of the quality of care you are delivering;
• an objective assessment of where the quality of care can be improved;
• evidence-based insights into how you can avoid undesirable care outcomes.
The NSCI programme provides focused recommendations, with results that can be analysed and compared over time and/or locations. The following NSCI modules are available:
• Pressure injuries
• Malnutrition
• Incontinence
• Falls
• Chronic wounds
The Process
There are several options in how to take part in the NSCI programme.
• Once a year: across all residents
• Monthly: with at least 10 residents randomly selected
• Weekly: with at least 2-3 residents, randomly selected
As an organisation you can choose which of these indicators you want to collect data for. We can provide an online system that enables you to enter this data yourself or, if you prefer, data can be collected on paper and send to Care-Metric for analysis.
NSCI versus InterRai
The InterRai programme is a six monthly measurement of physical and mental well being. This includes the registration of data if the client suffers from particular care issues. NSCI looks at the same issues, however the key difference is that NSCI also focusses on prevention and management strategies. This is an important complement to the InterRai programme.
This is in line with the National Survey Care Indicator programme, which was developed by the Department of Health Services Research at Maastricht University’s Faculty of Health Medicine and Life Sciences, the Netherlands. The programme was introduced to New Zealand in 2009, and since then six DHB’s have taken part in the survey on a regular basis.
In close collaboration with your team, we produce simple, clear infometrics and in-depth reports that are sent to you at an agreed interval.
If you are interested in using this approach to improve the quality of care you provide, please email jan@care-metric.com.

You can log in to the National Survey of Care Indicators (NSCI-NZ) below. Please note that an account is required for access. To arrange this please contact Care-Metric and request a log in and password.