
Care-Metric is the new agent for MOA Benchmarking in New Zealand

MOA is an online Quality Improvement Platform that is used by a large number of aged care facilities in Australia. The platform allows aged care providers (they call them partners) to self-assess and benchmarks their current performance against the standards, their past performance, and that of other providers using this platform. The self-assessment highlights risk and improvement opportunities that can be tracked and monitored in this digital platform for continuous improvement.

Care-Metric is proud to be the new agent for MOA in New Zealand. It has aligned its tools with the New Zealand Health and Disability Service Standards and so it becomes a useful tool to actively monitor the integrated quality of care and prepare facilities well for any (spot) audit coming to your way.

So why is Care-Metric so positive about becoming the New Zealand agent for the MOA Quality Improvement Platform?

• Care-Metric has a strong belief that the learning organisations<sup>(1)</sup> will be the most successful organisations in the future. Self-assessment and reflection are critical components in becoming a learning organisation. It will benefit the residents and staff working in these facilities. The MOA platform has this all.

• Secondly, Care-Metric embraces the way MOA benchmarking is analysing incident data. It follows the international guidelines (IHI) on this issue. Using Statistical Process Control methodology enables facilities not only to compare current outcomes with past outcomes in a sound statistical way but also they can benchmark those against other similar facilities.

• Thirdly Care-Metric is all about quality improvement. The MOA platform provides an integrated approach to this topic where it enables facilities to highlight opportunities for improvement, plan an improvement programme, measure the results, and implement the necessary changes.

Care-Metric is proud to be the agent for this well-respected Australian company of which the primary focus is to bring a valuable contribution to the aged care sector with its platform. For more information visit their website or get in touch with Care-Metric via email:, mobile 021-897605. We look forward to hearing from you!

If you want to hear more about what MOA-benchmarking can do for you, watch this video.




1. Jeong SH, Lee T, Kim IS, Lee MH, Kim MJ. (2007.) The effect of nurses? Use of principles of a learning organization on organizational effectiveness. Journal of advanced nursing. 58 (1), 53-62.