The founders of Care-Metric Ltd are Jan and Marian Weststrate.
Jan holds a PhD in nursing and regularly publishes articles in national and international journals. He has over 20 years nursing experience in intensive care, guiding patients and families through complex and critical transitions of life. Through Care-Metric he organises quality improvement workshops for rest homes in New Zealand. He also evaluates aged-care audit reports to recommend what aspects of care need to be addressed at a national level.
Marian has more than 40 years nursing experience in New Zealand and the Netherlands. She has first-hand care experience in rest homes, in the community and in hospitals. As a district nurse on the Kapiti Coast, Marian is a passionate advocate for her clients beyond the care system itself and direct nursing support.
Our Mission
To inspire, train and support health care management and professionals to continuously improve their care outcomes, increase safety and reduce costs.
Our Values
Transparency: we will act in an open and honest manner with our customers.
Innovation: We will bring evidence based/best practices interventions into the equation to achieve better outcomes.
Creativity: We recognise that “one size does not fit all” and will strive for new solutions as well as continuous improvement.
Respect: We will honour our customers’ kaupapa, in light of the organisational and cultural context in which they work.
J.T.M. Weststrate, C. Cummings, L. Boamponsem, A. Towers. What factors influence compliance with health and disability service standards for aged and residential care in New Zealand. Kai Tiaki Nursing Research, 2019;10(1)47-53. Download.
J. Carryer, J.T.M. Weststrate, P. Yeung, V. Rodgers, A. Towers, M. Jones. Prevalence of key indicators of pressure injuries, incontinence, malnutrition, and falls among older adults living in nursing homes in New Zealand. Research in Nursing & Health 2017 Dec;40(6)555-563. Download.
M. Weststrate. Buurtzorg / Neighbourhood care: The Dutch model of community care which has gone global. Te Puawai, 2017, (October): 6-9. Download.
J.T.M. Weststrate. Pressure injuries. Te Puawai, 2016, (April): 3-8. Download.
M. Weststrate. Helping improve clients’ quality of life. Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand 2015;21(11). Download.
G. Brekelmans, S. Maassen, R.F. Poell, J.T.M. Weststrate, E. Geurdes. Factors influencing nurse participation in continuing professional development activities: Survey results from the Netherlands. Nurse Education Today 2015;40:13-9. Download.
J.T.M. Weststrate, K. Adams Prevention is critical in aged care. Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand 2013;19 (10):26-28. Download.
J.T.M. Weststrate. Editorial: Understanding each other’s worlds. Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand 2013;19 (7):2
J.T.M. Weststrate, M. Weststrate. Overseas nurses suggest improvements to registration process. Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand 2009; 15(5): 24-25. Download.
J.T.M. Weststrate, C. Tweed, W. Naylor. Death highlights poor ulcer care. Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand 2009; 15(4):16-18. Download.